sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009

Aprofundamento do diálogo com a China

Bem vindos a zona de actuação do Super-Homem!

A missão impossível para muitos... está a ser realizada por Barack Obama, o objectivo é aprofundar o dialogo com a China.

Para muitos trata-se apenas de uma tentativa de conter ou travar o crescente poder da China no cenário mundial.

Mas Obama contraria esta visão de muitos... através da concretização de seu objectivo um maior comprimisso com Ásia-Pacífico.

quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009

Obama reforça a confiança de Ben Bernanke

Bem vindos a Terra do Super-Homem!

Reformados passaram a receber menos no seu valor de pensão devido ao efeito da inflação sobre o sistema financeiro.

Presidente dos USA como voto de confiança vai renovar o mandato de Ben Bernanke em frente da autoridade Monetária.

Esta decisão de Barak Obama resultou em enormes felicitações de vários bancos nacionais como da Inglaterra(Mervyn King), Canada(Mark Carney) e do Banco Central Europeu(HJean Claude Trichet).

Obama insistiu na construção de novo sequementos de mercado que proporcionemcrescimento e prosperidade economica.

domingo, 21 de junho de 2009

Digital books in all schools!

Welcome to the zone of action of Superman.

Location: California

Governor of the State of California is here to eliminate the financial costs of families in the purchase of educational materials related to school books mainly to high school students in particular disciplines of mathematics and science textbooks. This operation covers all grades of education in the state of California.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor, has free access to digital books for the school drastically reducing the costs of the State of California, educational materials, a reduction of around 350 million dollars annually.

New dimension of work of all students is called "open-source materials, its use is already very common in academic fields. But the students are already benefiting from this platform, just a few adjustments and some small investments in technology schools, and give some training technology teachers.

Operation, indeed successful!

Welcome to the zone of action of Superman.

Location: California

Governor of the State of California is here to eliminate the financial costs of families in the purchase of educational materials related to school books mainly to high school students in particular disciplines of mathematics and science textbooks. This operation covers all grades of education in the state of California.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor, has free access to digital books for the school drastically reducing the costs of the State of California, educational materials, a reduction of around 350 million dollars annually.

New dimension of work of all students is called "open-source materials, its use is already very common in academic fields. But the students are already benefiting from this platform, just a few adjustments and some small investments in technology schools, and give some training technology teachers.

Operation, indeed successful!